Sounds Freakin' Huge
About Us
MassiPhonic studio, located in the heart of Manchester Connecticut was designed and built with the musician in mind. We've combined over 30 years of experience and knowledge to create the optimum recording environment. Our 2500 sq ft facility provides all the amenities of a large, world class studio in a friendly, comfortable environment. We have a large playing room with high ceilings and provisions for musical communication amongst musicians and maximum sound separation. We also offer a large control room with the combination of vintage and state of the art technology. The studio is logically laid out for easy accessibility for visiting producers and engineers. In addition to our facility we offer services to musicians and producers with project studios that lack professionally designed recording spaces. We work in cooperation with these home facilities both technically and creatively to produce an original sound and the best possible marketable product. We provide services that strengthen any phase of your recording process and do so in a manner that's both efficient and cost effective. Call to set up a free studio tour.
Studio Services
Let us help you bring your music to life!
The sonic capturing of instruments and voice to a digital or analog medium utilizing superb equipment and acoustic designs.
The manipulation of multiple tracks in which each track contains a sound, resulting in a blend that is captured in a mix-down stereo or 5.1 surround medium. (mastering is included with mixes)
The manipulation of your completed mixes to increase clarity, punch, and apparent loudness of the nal product.
The overseeing of the recording process and the creation of "a sound" i.e. a unique and marketable product, including the improvement of the songwriting and the artists' delivery and performance.